Tuesday, June 4, 2013


This past Thursday (5/30) I went to Assisi on a pilgrimage for my theology class.  My professor just happened to be driving to Assisi that morning in order to show one of his friends around the town, and he offered to drive my friend and I there.  We readily accepted the free ride, and just bought a train ticket back from Assisi to Rome. Upon arriving to Assisi, we went into a little caffe and ordered cappuccinos and what looked like strudel...turned out to be the town's most famous pastry, "rocchiata," a layered, flaky pastry with bits of apricot and almonds.  The shop owners laughed at us for not knowing what was in it, but it didn't matter...it was delicious!

We then went to the Basilica of Saint Francis, which had the most gorgeous mosaics...so much glittering gold and vaulted ceilings.  We went down to the crypt of Saint Francis, and it was a very spiritual experience.  Upon leaving the basilica, we turned around and I snapped this picture right before it started hailing:

My friend and I took cover in a little trattoria and I had the best polenta with ragu...so good.  After it stopped hailing, we went to Saint Claire's church, and then we went to San Damiano, where Saint Claire lived, and the walk was gorgeous. Here's a few photos from that walk:

After this, we went to Santa Maria Degli Angeli, which is the basilica that Saint Francis built around a small chapel lower in the valley.  It was gigantic, and a Mass was going on, so I quietly walked around and looked at the side chapels.  My friend and I went and got croquettes, which are fried rice balls with mozzarella and ragu inside, for only two euros.  Then, we hopped on the train and went back to Rome for the two-hour ride back.  It was a beautiful day trip, even with the storm! So many little alleyways and secret staircases around every corner!

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